
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 06:18:08

有一条跑道在操场 There is a runway/racetrack on the playground.

我们在教室里快乐地学习 We study happily in the classroom. 或:We have fun studying in the classroom.

There is a runway(athletic track on the playground.
We study happily in the classroom. 或:We have fun studying in the classroom.

有一条跑道在操场:there is a track on the playground.

我们在教室里快乐地学习:we study happily in the classroom.

There is a course on the playground. (course :用来进行赛跑或其他运动项目的跑道)

We study happily in the classroom.

A track lies on the playground.
We're studying happily in the classroom.